Quote Ease
♦Exclusive MSNVA Pricing
♦Streamlined underwriting process
♦Electronic enrollment and Eligibility
♦Dental and Vision plan options with discounts
A Customized Solution Sponsored by MSNVA,
Exclusively for MSNVA Members & Affiliates!

Level Funded health plans are designed to give you a different way to balance the cost savings you’re looking for with benefits that plan participants want. They’re intended to help you save money and build health ownership so plan participants can get more from their health coverage.
Service and Support
♦Employee Navigator
♦Enhanced service model
♦Automated benefit enrollment process
♦Claims utilization reporting
Request a Quote Using the Contact Form Below
MSNVA members and members of approved affiliate associations can request a preliminary quote by completing the contact form on this page.
To expedite a preliminary quote, please submit your latest renewal/benefits summary and an Employee Census Report to leadership@msnva.org.
Once we receive your information and census, we will request a non binding preliminary quote from the brokers at Northwestern Mutual.
For information on affiliate partnerships, please contact MSNVA’s Executive Director at 703.934.8818.
Value-Added Benefits
♦ Only available through UnitedHealthcare
♦ A potential year-end surplus refund if the covered medical and pharmacy claims are lower than expected*
♦ Large-group underwriting
♦ One national network
♦ Single claims, billing and clinical platform
♦ HealthiestYouTM virtual care – Provides the ability to connect with doctors 24/7, price prescriptions and more
♦ UHC Rewards – Rewards plan participants with dollars for reaching program goals and completing one-time activities
♦ $0 Vital Medication Program – Certain prescription drugs available to plan participants at a $0 cost share without having to satisfy their deductible
♦ $0 Copay for Kids program
UnitedHealthcare Level Funded
♦ Level Funded Plans are risk-adjusted to the plan participants’ health with an average savings of 19%*
♦ With level funding, UnitedHealthcare manages the plan sponsor’s health plan rates by dividing it into 3 components
– Medical claims fund
– Administrative services
– Individual and aggregate stop loss insurance policies
♦ Minimum group size – 2 employees
♦ Contribution requirement – Plan sponsor must contribute at least 50% of single rate
♦ Participation requirement – 50% of eligible plan participants must enroll after Tricare waivers
*Internal analysis of average quoted discount off ACA renewal as of February 2024. Savings are not guaranteed.
With administration from UnitedHealthcare
♦20+ years serving associations
♦Large group-type benefits offering many plan design options to help balance cost
♦Seamless member experience with dedicated advocates offering one-stop plan administration and issue resolution
♦Broker support from Northwestern Mutual delivering competitive pricing, ongoing service and support, reporting and claims spend analysis